Consumer Debt Counseling Tips To Wipe Out Your Credit Card Debt
Consumer debt counseling refers to the process of advising people with financial problems. The counselors utilize various methods that they can choose to clear ...
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By Joseph J Hernandez
A Step-by-Step Guide to Paying Off Debt
Getting out of debt sounds great, but a lot of people find it hard to do. The overall process is pretty simple: Rein in your spending, and throw all the money you can at one debt at a time until each is paid off. Unfortunately, "simple" isn't the same as easy. Some of the steps in this process are ...
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By Alexis J.
10 Golden Tips If You Owe IRS Taxes
Here are some good tax tips if you cannot pay your IRS tax debt. The IRS has Publication 594 - For the do-it-your-selfers, read the IRS Collection Process which talks about ...
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By Michael D. Sullivan
How Will a Letter Help Me Fix My Credit?
A, B, C, D, or F? What's your grade? Similarly, just like in school, you are being graded on your credit performance. However, unlike schools you are not told what you are being graded on. The Fico score is your credit report card. The first thing that needs to be done before you can begin to improve your credit grade is ...
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By Markus J. Makari
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