What to Ask for this Christmas - 12 Money Saving Gifts for your Christmas Wish List
Can't decide what to ask for this Christmas? Check out these 12 frugal gift ideas to see which ones you should add to this years Christmas Wish List.
1. Crockpot
Cooking on a budget is a hot topic nowadays with everyone focused on frugality. One of the easiest ways to save money on food is by utilizing a slow cooker
, also called a crockpot. Crockpots offer great ways to prepare affordable and healthy meals. If you already own one, dust it off, and ask Santa for a Crockpot Cookbook instead.
2. Plastic Containers for Food Storage
Saving leftovers for another meal is a great way to stretch your food dollars, but if you don’t have a system in place to store your food, it’s easier to just toss them out. Check out the latest wave of storage containers
and add them to your list. With the proper tools, you can enjoy an inexpensive and delicious meal later on, saving both time and money.
3. Cookware
Think about what cookware, bake ware or kitchen tools you need to make your life easier. We all know that eating meals at home is a lot less expensive than eating out, but for the cook it’s not as enjoyable. Add one fun cooking/baking item to your list. It was only after I was gifted with a automatic bread maker
that I started making homemade pizza. With my state-of-the-art blender, my whole family enjoys smoothies. I can duplicate any fast food breakfast sandwich with my handy egg ring. Cooking is still work, but some gadgets make it feel more like play.
4. Tomato Starter Kit
Fresh produce prices continue to rise. Even if you are not a green thumb, make it a point to try and grow one plant this summer. Tomatoes are one of the easiest plants to grow, and WalMart sells plenty of gardening kits to help you get started.
5. Budget Software
If creating and sticking to a budget is hard for you, try out some of the many personal finance software
programs on the market. Experience has shown that when your budget is intact, and functioning correctly, everything else takes care of itself (the bills are paid on time, retirement contributions are made, and unnecessary debt is eliminated).
6. Tightwad Gazette
My favorite book about saving money is Amy Dacyczyn’s book, The Complete Tightwad Gazette
. In it, you'll find literally thousands of ideas for saving money, from the simple or practical to the difficult or bizarre.
7. Coupon Starter Kit
Coupons are a hot topic now. Used properly, coupons can save you serious money on just about everything. That’s why I’ve put together a coupon starter kit. This complete Coupon Starter Kit, holds up to 200 coupons and provides everything you need to start saving money immediately! I've put together sturdy coupon pocket pages, free coupons, and great insider tips & advice.
8. Closet Organizer
A large part of saving money has to do with being organized. It’s tempting to shop for new black heels when you can’t find yours. Add a closet shelving system
to your list, so you don’t waste money buying something you already own. Don’t stop at just your closets, how about kitchen organizers, car organizers and garage storage systems. Less clutter equals more peace of mind, not to mention more money in the bank.
9. Entertainment Book
Eating out is fun, but expensive. Make it more affordable by only dining out on “kids eat free nights” or when you have a coupon. An Entertainment Book can help with their 50%-off coupons. Each book is loaded with thousands of dollars worth of 50% and other valuable discounts for local and national restaurants (fine, casual and fast food dining), movie theaters, car washes, grocery stores, video rental stores, dry cleaning establishments, professional and college sporting events, attractions and more.
10. Lunch Box
Do you own a lunch box
? Eating out everyday can really add up. Insulated, soft sided and even eco-friendly there are many varieties to choose from, so find the one that speaks to you, and add this money saving item to your list.
11. Car Repair Manual
Even if you or your partner are not handy, check out the line of car repair manuals available today. These car care repair manuals
can explain how to carry out routine maintenance, restoration and servicing of any car. This past summer, the air conditioning went out on my Honda Minivan. It was only with the help of a Chilton’s Honda Manual, that my hubby was able to repair it, and all it needed was a new $6.00 part. I shudder to think what this repair might have cost us at the repair shop.
12. Low Flow Showerhead
Water heating alone accounts for nearly 15 percent of your energy bill. Low-flow showerheads can trim your home’s water use by up to 50 percent. Many low flow showerheads
improve the entire shower experience, and still meet the toughest, two-gallon-per-minute standard.
Now you know what to ask for this Christmas. Happy Holidays!
Saving Money is Hard!
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